Professional Branding Portrait Photographer & Videographer based in Sussex Brighton Hove

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Never feel good enough? My personal journey with Branding Photography – London & Brighton Female Portrait Photographer

I spent most of my life feeling “not good enough” ... Can you relate?

This feeling can manifest in different way…. “self-destruction” but in my case always was opposite pushing my boundaries and working even harder to prove myself my worth through achievements.

I spent the last ten years of my life working in the corporate world before following my passions as an International Personal Brand Portrait Photographer & Videographer, event organiser and mentor based in lovely Brighton & London.

I was workaholic, careaholic and perfectionist!

I focussed so much on a career, success, recognition... but I had absolutely no clue who I was, what my life purpose was and what I truly needed.

Looking back, I can see now how I focused most of my life, my time and energy defining goals and achieving them. 

By achieving all my goals and aspirations, I felt good enough!


Let me pause here…  

Did I really feel “good enough”? 

This feeling never came!

What does “good enough” actually mean?

Two years ago, I caught myself that all my life decisions: career choice, approach to work and how I work, as well as education were purely driven to prove my worth to myself.

Trying to prove my own worth became a main motivator behind everything I did.!

Two years ago, I decided to pause!

Well, actually I was forced to pause!

Deterioration of my health forced me to pause. At that point, I had to change my whole life. Literally, my whole life changed 360 degrees. 

Year ago I left my 9-5 corporate job, packed my things, said goodbyes and moved from London to Brighton. I left behind ten years of prestigious career in finance, the security of my corporate job, colleagues, partner and started new chapter in my life.

Since that moment, I promised myself only to do things in my life which brings me a joy. Now, I get to do the thing that makes me really excited to wake up in the morning!

I am learning to live a truly authentic life. I am working hard to remove many layers to get to my true self. It requires a lot of trust, release and unlearning to be happy being me. I stopped trying to be someone I'm not. 

With time, I am so grateful for “not feeling good enough”.

I am grateful all lessons learned from that journey. Every day, I am learning to love myself even more. I am practising to truly love myself. 

I started to listen to my heart instead of my head. That's when things started to change.

As a child, I found a joy in being creative but I never explored that aspect of me until now. My biggest dreams and passions have never been on my goals list as they were not “big enough” or “good enough”…

Nowadays, as a Professional Personal Branding Photographer & Videographer based in Brighton & London, I only work on projects and collaborations where requirement is to be “enough”. I work on projects which brings me a joy and butterflies in my belly. 

As a self-taught portrait photographer, I know that my “gift” is not a camera or technical skills or having (or not having) degree…. One of my gift is the “sensitivity” within me which enables me to SEE you, your soul, your true essence, your beautiful gift. Another gift is the ability to CONNECT on a deeper level.

Now…. You wonder why I am sharing with you my story?

Well, firstly I would like to remind you that you are good enough! No matter what!

Secondly, whether you are freelancer, entrepreneur, website designer, yoga teacher, success coach…. whatever your job title is, I urge you to always seek a joy in what you are doing.

If you are loosing “the joy” please pause and reflect on what is your life purpose.

Lastly, if you feel like to make a change in your life, do it!! You need to be bold, face your fears, let it go and create a space for new to come in.

A huge shout to my clients, women who are making their dream come true! You rock ladies!

Trust your intuition, follow your heart, it’s never too late to dream BIG!

Thinking to start new business in 2020?

Fancy rebranding and refreshing  your website?

Spend January planning and envisioning and join tribe of wonderful, inspirational and ambitious clients. Need a help with envisioning, check out my blog about envisioning 2020!

I am fully booked till March time! If you wish to update your website in the SPRING  or SUMMER time  with beautiful brand pictures or videos of you and your passion, let me know and I will add you to the waiting list…

My mission is to empower and inspire through my camera. Working with women stepping into their power and fullness is sooooooo satisfying. To know that I can be an inspiration, a catalyst for them to be visible, confident and authentic, infuses my work with purpose.

My name is Magdalena Smolarska. I am an International Personal Brand Portrait and Retreat Photographer & Videographer based in sunny Brighton and London, Sussex, UK. 

I work with entrepreneurs, freelancers, business owners, bloggers, influencers, artists, holistic and creative individuals to promote their personal brand.

Together, we can create something impactful, distinctive and authentically unique.