Professional Branding Portrait Photographer & Videographer based in Sussex Brighton Hove

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The Women’s Wellness Festival - Restfest - A gathering of kind hearts, fierce minds & brave spirits - London & Brighton Event Photographer and Videographer

If someone asked you: how to feel good? 

How to really feel good from inside out? 

It’s simple, right? 

RESTFEST, The Women’s Wellness Festival in Sussex, is a full day event aimed at helping you achieve exactly that, in your own way. 

And they make it soooooo simple!

You will discover exciting parts of yourself you never knew existed. 

I am still flying on the high vibes from the RESTFEST which I had a pleasure to attend and document back in March as an official Personal Branding Videographer and Photographer of the day! 


If you know me well enough, you would understand why I love being surrounded by “kind hearts, fierce minds & brave spirits women” who give themselves a permission to pause and invest in a day that nourishes females from inside and outside!

When was the last time you made time for yourself?

At RESTFEST, they expertly mix invaluable knowledge coming from wellbeing fairs and mix it with free-style fun you’d expect from a festival. They then sprinkle it with nourishing qualities of a retreat and hey presto... RESTFEST awaits!

See it for yourself: "When women gather, magic happens!" 

I am already counting days to the October edition of RESFEST!

This time the festival is taking place in Hiltion Avistford Park Hotel, Sussex countryside with Arundel Castle and Swanbourne Lake nearby and the call to the coast not that far either. 

It’s a unique opportunity to be filled with inspiration that cannot be missed.

What I love about festivals is the abundance of choices: motivational workshops and talks led by sassy female thought leaders and wellness warriors, mindful creative and movement activities, R&R Pop-up Spa treatments and beauty room, wellness and wonder expo….

List is long….

Investing in rest could be the most powerful thing you do this year. 

Are you joining us on the 6th October? Don’t forget to book your ticket here.

Not sure yet?

Well, let me share with you the RESTFEST value which are soooo in line with my mine:  

1. Equality 

Firstly, let’s celebrate perfectly imperfect women, who are buzzing regardless of their age, size, shape, skin colour, education, background, number of followers, demographics or sexual choices. Everyone is equal at RESTFEST. We are judgement-free. Labels and limits? Please leave them outside the door to RESTFEST!

2. Safe Space

This event strives towards creating a sanctuary for women where they can finally feel safe to explore female-focused topics. This feminine energy encourages women to speak their truth. You will see how the space created for women, by women, shifts boundaries and allows for vulnerability. RESTFEST creates an environment where women do incredible things in a healthy and vigorous way by being fully supported.

3. Emotional Health Advocates

We all know: What goes on in our minds is much more important than how we look like. Right? Right??? We consider today’s world a lot and what impact it has on all of us. Observation allows us not only for realisation, but also helps find ways to escape the negatives. RESTFEST therefore wish to readdress the balance between mental health and physical appearance. Yes, the eternal battle between the two greatest powers. But hey, don’t get it wrong – we love looking great! But feeling and knowingwe look great takes it to a whole new level. 

4. Proactivity

The core purpose of RESTFEST is to encourage busy women to pause. We strive to promote the importance of self-care and personal development. Time is our most valuable asset and we know women thrive by investing their time in RESTFEST. Every woman’s right by birth is to lead a life that lights them up. We love sparking a sense of curiosity and nurturing new ways of looking at life. The RESTFEST rebellion exists to be a beacon of inspiration - a portal to an event full of wisdom, awe and wellbeing.

6. Self-acceptance

RESTFEST campaigns for women to feel ready and “good enough” for anything, being exactly as they are. Messages like you aren’t enough are simply non-existent here. RESTFEST supports women to live the most fulfilling lives possible. Whilst celebrating the miracle of the life they already have. We encourage an anti-comparison mindset (which takes work, we know!) to love the unique version of themselves. We shun the mirage of perfection. We encourage all to be honest about their light and their dark, their ying and their yang – the uniquely #flawsome you.

7. Escape the Comfort Zone

RESTFEST is a celebration of stepping out of a place of familiarity. Trying new things, connecting with new people and absorbing new knowledge. In a fun and free way! There is no pressure as the experience of RESTFEST is for the individual to expand their womanhood in a natural way.

8. Conscious living

We choose the life without blinkers. Forever learning. We aim to be mindful of our impact on each other and our community. Life happens through us, not to us.We challenge ignorance and encourage making educated choices with open minds. In this way, our awareness of life, others around us and the common surroundings is ever expanding.

9. Opportunities

As we rise, we bring our growing team along. We learn from others, their journeys and in turn we share experiences with those seeking to learn. We get a lot and we give even more. Collaboration over competition is a strong motto for us. Building others’ confidence will boost our own. RESTFEST is an incredible place to connect with yourself, even the deeply hidden true-self, and enhance your feminine evolution. 

10. Authenticity

We welcome feedback which helps us continue to evolve. Even though we work tirelessly to curate an experience that covers our values, we are humans too and feel all the feels. We hope that by showing you our true selves we can promote the "if one woman can, any woman can" attitude. Our energy is genuine. Our intentions matter. Kind hearts, Fierce minds, Brave spirit.

I am literally off-the-scale excited to be part of this project and connect with sooooo many women in few weeks!  See you there.


My mission is to empower and inspire through my camera. Working with women stepping into their power and fullness is sooooooo satisfying. To know that I can be an inspiration, a catalyst for them to be visible, confident and authentic, infuses my work with purpose.

My name is Magdalena Smolarska. I am an International Personal Brand Portrait and Retreat Photographer & Videographer based in sunny Brighton and London, Sussex, UK. 

I work with entrepreneurs, freelancers, business owners, bloggers, influencers, artists, holistic and creative individuals to promote their personal brand.

Together, we can create something impactful, distinctive and authentically unique.